OAS Investimentos S.A., a privately-owned Brazilian multinational conglomerate, has been awarded the sewage public private partnership project in the municipality of Guarulhos, in the state of São Paulo (Brazil).
The object of the PPP contract is the provision of public transport, treatment and disposal of sewage from the municipality urban area. The contract will involve capital investments, operation and maintenance of the sewage system.
The firm beat out competition from two other bidders AEGEA Saneamento e Participações S.A. (Grupo Equipav) and Galvão Engenharia S.A. & Companhia de Águas do Brasil.The proposals were submitted on March 10th after there was some controversy with the tender documents. Finally, the Tribunal de Contas do Estado de São Paulo (TCE/SP) allowed the municipality to move forward with the project.
The concession will have a term of 30 years and the estimated value of the contract throughout the concession term is R$1.549 billion (US$678 million).The public consultation for the PPP project took place during May and June 2013. In November 2013 the list of companies that submitted suggestions for the project was published.