Webuild works for ANAS reach 61% of total completed excavation of Roseto 1 Tunnel

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Webuild has completed the excavation of the Roseto 1 Tunnel of Ionian 106 Trunk Road in Italy.

Excavation activities for the Roseto 1 natural tunnel mark a significant advancement in the construction progress of the Ionian 106 Trunk Road, overseen by Webuild for ANAS (FS Italiane Group). The recent demolition of the last northbound diaphragm of the double-barrel tunnel, spanning 1,200 m/direction, sets the stage for the forthcoming completion of excavation works. The tunnel will be finalized using concrete and pre-cast concrete segments for the final lining, a task expected to conclude by the year's end.

Megalot 3 constitutes the primary intervention along the Calabria segment of the Jonica Trunk Road, strategically connecting the Ionian Sea coasts of Calabria, Basilicata, and Puglia. Upon completion, it will link the A14 and A2 motorway axes, enhancing access to numerous coastal towns and improving travel times and road safety. This segment spans 38 km, featuring two lanes, including 5 km of natural tunnels, 5 km of artificial tunnels, and 7 km of viaducts. Stretching between Sibari and Roseto Capo Spulico in the province of Cosenza, it includes four road intersections (Sibari, Cerchiara-Francavilla, Trebisacce, and Roseto), facilitating connectivity within the existing road network and between the coast and the inland territory.

The project commenced in May 2020, with a target to complete works on Megalot 3 by the end of August 2026.


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