Eurovia's Chilean subsidiary Bitumix SA raises its holding in Bitumix CVV from 50% to 100%.
Bitumix CVV, previously jointly controlled with the Chilean Claro Vicuna Valenzuela Group, specializes in roadworks in the central Biobio and Araucanía regions. Bitumix CVV has industrial facilities in the cities of Concepción (Chile's second-largest urban area), Chillan, Los Angeles and Temuco.
Bitumix CVV generated revenue of €16 million and produced about 200,000 tonnes of asphalt mix in 2015.
Bitumix SA is one of Chile's main transport infrastructure construction and urban development companies. The acquisition of 100% of Bitumix CVV rounds out its coverage of Chile south of Santiago.
Eurovia, a subsidiary of VINCI, is a company with wide expertise in the construction of transport infrastructure and urban development. Eurovia builds transport infrastructure, including roads, highways, railways, and airport and tramway platforms, and contributes to industrial, commercial, and urban site development. In addition, the Company possesses extensive know-how in related areas: demolition and deconstruction, sanitation, excavation, roadwork and utility networks, signage, engineering structures, and noise-attenuation solutions.