Vinci Airports wins the concession of 7 airports in Brazil

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The National Civil Aviation Agency of Brazil (ANAC) has awarded to Vinci Airports a 30-year concession for seven airports of the North region of Brazil. The airports are located in Manaus, Porto Velho, Rio Branco, Boa Vista, Cruzeiro do Sul, Tabatinga and Téfé. 

In addition to providing operations, maintenance and expansion of terminals and runways, VINCI Airports will also work towards transforming these airports into eco-efficient infrastructures. This modernization will include the following elements:

  • Net-zero emissions goal;
  • Set-up of photovoltaic farms;
  • Waste and water management;
  • Establishment of biodiversity laboratories;
  • Carbon sinks projects with local NGOs.

The completed tender was a part of the 6th airport concession round, which includes expansion, maintenance, and operation of 22 airports grouped in three regional blocks (South, Central and North).

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