Turkey Ministry of Transport to develop Samsun tram line

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The national Ministry of Transport & Infrastructure has been responsible for developing a planned tram line in the Black Sea port city of Samsun, Turkey.

The 10.2 km line with 11 stops would link the city’s main hospital (Şehir Hastanesi) with the existing 33 km coastal tramway at Kılıçdede, with a branch to the town hall at Kamu Kampüs. Transport throughout the municipality of Samsun is currently road-based, comprising public buses, minibusses, taxis and private cars. By developing a rail-based system, the municipality aims to improve the quality and enhance the attractiveness of its public transport services. The main economic benefits of the project are expected to be lower levels of road accidents, travel-time savings, reduction in fuel consumption and vehicle usage costs, and pollution reduction.

The estimated total project cost is EUR 125 million (US$ 138 million), with EUR 62.5 million (US$ 69 million) financed by the European Investment Bank (EIB). Construction is expected to be completed within five years for TRY 5 billion (US$ 147 million).

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