The Regional Administrative Tribunal of Trento has declared invalid the award of the contract for the design, construction and subsequent management of non-health technical services of the new Hospital Pole of Trentino Region.
The Tribunal explained in its sentence of last 16 December 2013 that the composition of the Tender Technical Commission to select the right candidate was illegitimate.
The nomination of the Commission and all of the acts produced by it, including the provisional award to the consortium , led by Impregilo S.p.A. has been annulled. In addition, accepting the complaint of another grouping, the consortium led by Impregilo ha been excluded from the tender.
Impregilo said that the consortium of companies formed by Impregilo (leader with a 51%), Codelfa and Consorzio SST (Servizi Sanitari Trentini), will evaluate all opportune actions aimed at protecting its own interests.
The overall project value is approximately €310 million (US$421.6 million) of which €160 million (US$217.6 million) were to be financed by the public administration and the remaining part by the concessionaire. The value of civil and architectural works, electromechanical installations, medical appliances and furniture is €250 million (US$340 million).
The concession duration is 27 years and 6 months of which 3 years and 7 months refer to the design, construction and test phases.
The new Hospital of Trento will have an overall surface of 122,000 square meters with 600 beds and beyond 28,500 sqm of covered parkings.