The shortlisted consortia are: - Destination Sydney comprising AEG Ogden Pty Ltd, Lend Lease Project Management and Construction, Spotless Facility Services Pty Ltd, Lend Lease Developments, Capella Capital Pty Ltd and InfraRed Capital Partners Ltd

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The shortlisted consortia are: - Destination Sydney comprising AEG Ogden Pty Ltd, Lend Lease Project Management and Construction, Spotless Facility Services Pty Ltd, Lend Lease Developments, Capella Capital Pty Ltd and InfraRed Capital Partners Ltd. - Key Partners comprising Laing O'Rourke Australia Construction Ltd, John Laing Investments Ltd, Macquarie Capital Group Ltd, GL Events and Honeywell Ltd. - VeNuSW comprising Plenary Group Ltd, Brookfield Multiplex P/L, Brookfield Multiplex Services Pty Ltd and Suntec Int. Convention & Exhibition Services Pte Ltd

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