The Canadore College of Applied Arts and Technology, Ontario (Canada), has re-launched the tender process to develop a multi-purpose sports facility through a PPP project.
Canadore College is currently looking for a company to develop a P3 to construct a year round multi-purpose sports facility or dome at Canadore College's Commerce Court Campus located at 60 Commerce Court in North Bay Ontario.
The project will be developed on a design, build, finance and operate (DBFO) basis.
The request for expressions of interest (RFEOI) was issued on 7 January 2015. Interested parties must submit their EOI on or before 28 January 2015.
Another example of a sport PPP project in tender stage in Canada is the Surrey's three Ice Arenas. The city launched the RFEOI in early November.
See the multi-purpose sports facility RFEOI announcement: