Tender process initiated for Severn Valley Funding and Finance Strategy

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Shropshire Council has initiated the tender process for the Severn Valley Funding and Finance Strategy, aimed at delivering comprehensive financial consultancy services. 

The Severn Valley Water Management Scheme (SVWMS) aims to harness natural landscapes and processes to enhance climate resilience and community wellbeing in the Upper Severn area. The technical aspects of water management are being spearheaded by the Environment Agency and Natural Resources Wales, while Shropshire and Powys Councils are addressing local needs. This strategic effort is a component of the larger Severn Valley Water Management Scheme, involving collaboration among the Environment Agency, Natural Resources Wales, and the Shropshire and Powys Councils.

Responses are due by 20 September 2024. Additional details regarding this tender can be accessed through our Business Opportunity page here.

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