Tender Notice for Sheffield Catalyst Sites - Neepsend and Furnace Hill Development Opportunity

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Homes England and the Sheffield City Centre Council have issued a notice seeking initial feedback from parties in the opportunity to bring forward the comprehensive development of two significantly important regeneration sites in Sheffield City Centre.

Located to the north of the City Centre, the Neepsend Catalyst Site is situated along the south bank of the River Don with a capacity for up to 480 new dwellings and ancillary uses. The neighboring Furnace Hill Catalyst Site is separated by the Shalesmoor arterial route with capacity for over 820 new dwellings and again other non-residential uses. The vision is for these sites to become two distinct, vibrant new neighborhoods for people to live, work, and play in the heart of the City. Furnace Hill and Neepsend both have an industrial heritage but inherently different characteristics with the potential for each neighborhood to provide a distinct, varied residential offer.

Homes England and the Council have jointly developed a Development Framework to guide the redevelopment of the Neepsend and Furnace Hill Catalyst Sites, covering around 5 ha of fragmented land. Homes England is actively acquiring freehold interests to enable comprehensive redevelopment. In March 2024, Homes England secured GBP 67 million (US$ 88 million) in Brownfield, Infrastructure, and Land (BIL) funding to support land acquisition and placemaking efforts, facilitating the transformation of these key sites in line with the emerging Local Plan.

Homes England’s current preference is to appoint a different Development Partner for each site (one Development Partner for Neepsend and one Development Partner for Furnace Hill) to maximize resources, spread risk and accelerate delivery. The closing date for responses is September 20, 2024. Additional details regarding this tender can be accessed through our Business Opportunity page here.

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