Tender launched for Route PY07 Superhighway Junction PPP project in Puerto Indio

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The Ministry of Public Works and Communications (MOPC) has launched a tender seeking a private developer to deliver the Route PY07 Superhighway Junction PPP project in Puerto Indio, Paraguay.

The project involves the construction and maintenance work in a section of more than 60 km from route PY07 (Superhighway junction) to Puerto Indio, Alto Paraná. The works will be carried out in two lots: Lot 1 starts at km 0 and goes to km 27, while Lot 2 starts at km 27 and reaches km 60.3. The term of execution of the contract is 95 calendar months (7 years and 9 months) for each of the lots.

The last date to submit the response is April 18, 2022. More information about this tender could be found on our business opportunity page here.

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