The City and County of Swansea in the UK has launched a tender notice seeking a development partner to deliver mixed-use development, including residential, office, commercial, and community use on a number of strategic sites in Swansea.
The development partner will:
- provide high-quality residential, leisure, office, and commercial development;
- encourage city center living;
- enhance the quality of the built environment of the City of Swansea;
- create more employment opportunities and take advantage of opportunities arising from the growth of new technology, science, and creative industries;
- improve graduate retention rates;
- improve the leisure, tourism and cultural offer and infrastructure of Swansea;
- encourage walking, cycling, and use of public transport;
- emphasize Swansea’s distinctiveness and sense of place;
- improve the linkages between the core city centre and the sea;
- contribute towards creating a successful and sustainable Swansea, as per the Council’s Corporate Plan;
- deliver the Swansea Central Area regeneration framework and other regeneration policies.
The concession period for the project is 20 years. The deadline to submit the response is October 21, 2020. You can find more information about this tender notice on our business opportunity page here.