Federal Agency for Real Estate Tasks (Bundesanstalt für Immobilienaufgaben) in Germany issued a tender notice seeking private companies or consortia to develop the new building in Bonn that will house Federal Office for Information Security (BSI).
Bonn is cybersecurity location number 1 in Germany, that´s why it was chosen as the location of the Cyber Security Agency new building. In view of the increasing challenges in designing secure digitalization, the number of employees of the BSI has almost doubled in the last three years and will continue to grow. In order to be able to realize this growth, it is very important to implement the new construction project as quickly as possible.
The building area will be 63,000 sq. meters. The concession includes planning, construction, maintenance and operating services of the building and the outdoor facilities of a building in Bonn. The building should have facilities such as bathrooms, cafeteria, the visitor center with conference area as well as technically oriented types of use such as laboratories and workshop areas.
The concession has a construction period of 4.5 years and additional operational and maintenance period of 25 years.
The deadline to submit the bids is June 6, 2019