The Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund (HRADF), has announced the launch of an international tender process to develop cruise activity with a concession agreement in the ports of Katakolon, Patras (old port) and Kavala (central port “Apostolos Pavlos”).
The tender for the development of cruise activities consists of 2 Lots:
Interested Parties may submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) for one or both lots of the tender. The tender will be conducted in two phases (Phase A – prequalification & Phase B – submission of Binding Offers). The Fund reserves the right in Phase B of the tender to split the subject matter of Lot 1 and to award to different Preferred Investors the Port of Katakolon Concession Agreement and the Port of Patras Cruise Sub-concession Agreement. Interested Parties should submit their EOI by February 28th, 2025.