Tender Announced for high-speed railway line from Velká Bíteš to Brno

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Správa železnic has announced the Tender for the high-speed railway line (HSR) from Velká Bíteš to Brno in Czech Republic.

The section of the VRT Vysočina (HSR Highlands) is part of the new railway connection from the capital to Brno and Břeclav. VRT Vysočina fáze I (HSR Highlands Phase I) will be designed for passenger transport only with a maximum speed of 320 km/h. The new construction of the high-speed line in the section Velká Bíteš – Brno includes connection to the existing railway network, its modifications, and construction of the complementary infrastructure. The designers will also propose the reconstruction of the railway stop in Osová Bítýška and a completely new railway stop in Velká Bíteš. 

The firms Deloitte, Česká spořitelna, Císař, Češka, Smutný, AFRY, and their designated experts in economic, financial, legal, and technical consulting from both domestic and international sources will assist in choosing the concessionaire for the PPP-based construction of the new railway link from Prague to Václav Havel Airport. VRT Vysočina fáze I (HSR Highlands Phase I), together with the sections of VRT Střední Čechy (HSR Central Bohemia) and VRT Polabí (HSR Elbe Flatlands), will reduce the travel time between Prague and Brno to approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes. First trains should run on the new line around 2031.


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