Technical Cooperation agreement signed for Valparaíso – Santiago Train project

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The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the General Directorate of Concessions of the Ministry of Public Works (DGC), have signed a Technical Cooperation agreement for the Valparaíso – Santiago Train project in Chile.

The initiative aims to enhance and promote rail connectivity between Valparaíso and Santiago, focusing on gradually developing and connecting communities with limited accessibility, such as Tiltil, La Calera, and Llay-Llay, with the respective regional capitals. The train route is planned to traverse several communes, including Santiago, Quinta Normal, Renca, Quilicura, Lampa, and Tiltil in the Metropolitan Region, as well as Llay Llay, Hijuelas, La Calera, La Cruz, Quillota, Limache, Villa Alemana, Quilpué, Viña del Mar, and Valparaíso in the Valparaíso Region. The entire section comprises a distance of 172 km and an initial investment estimate of USD 1.32 billion.

In a subsequent stage, plans include establishing a new railway line between Tiltil and Limache, and another new railway line between El Salto and Valparaíso, requiring an additional preliminary investment of approximately USD 2.5 billion. It is noteworthy that the deadline for the completion of this initial stage of the consulting bidding process is set for May 17, 2024. Additional details regarding this tender can be accessed through our Business Opportunity page here.

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