General Directorate of Concessions in Chile has received two Technical and Economic Offers for the Los Ríos-Los Lagos Network. The bidders that participated in the call are the Ibero-Asian Consortium, formed by China Road and Bridge Corporation and Puentes Y Calzadas Grupo De Empresas SA, and the Constructora y Edificadora GIA + A SA de CV.
The project involves the construction of three hospitals in the Los Ríos Region and one in the Los Lagos Region. With the estimated investment of US$297 million and a concession term of 19 years, the project continues its bidding process with the Opening of Economic Bids, scheduled for next October 4. The Los Ríos-Los Lagos Network will provide a total of 495 beds that will benefit an estimated population of 290,000 people. The hospitals are Los Lagos Hospital with 36 beds, Hospital de La Unión with 149 beds, Río Bueno Hospital with 120 beds and Puerto Varas Hospital with 190 beds.
The Red Los Ríos-Los Lagos concession is expected to be awarded during the first quarter of 2022. The construction works may begin in the first quarter of 2023 and will generate around 2,700 jobs. The start of operation is planned for the first quarter of 2026.
Ministry of Public Works in Chile has launched a bid notice for operation and expansion of El Loa Aiport located 6 km from the city of Calama.
Read moreThe Ministry of Public Works of Chile has announced the call for bids for the concession of the Route 5 section Chacao-Chonchi on the island of Chiloe.
Read moreMinistry of Public works in Chile has launched an invitation for bids seeking a private partner for Hospital PPP concession located in La Serena, Coquimbo.
Read moreSurvías Maule-Ñuble Concession Company has started construction works for the second Concession of Route 5 Talca-Chillán Section.
Read moreMinistry of public works in Chile has launched a call for bids seeking a private partner for the improvement of the technical standards and service levels as well as the extension of 131.4 km long Ruta 78 highway connecting Santiago and San Antonio, Chile.
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