Six consortia have submitted EOIs for the contract to build the twin 15.5km tunnels

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Six consortia have submitted EOIs for the contract to build the twin 15.5km tunnels:
* Baulderstone Bouyges North West Rail Joint Venture: Baulderstone Pty Ltd, Bouyges Travaux Publics;
* China Rail 15th Group Australia Pty Ltd;
* Civilinc: Acciona Infrastructure Australia Pty Ltd, Ferrovial Agroman (Australia) Pty Ltd, Ghella Pty Ltd;
* OHL Impregilo: Obrascon Huarte Lain SA (OHL), Impregilo S.p.A
*RapidLink: Obayashi Corporation, McConnell Dowell Constructors (Aust), Laing O'Rourke Australia Construction;
*Thiess John Holland Dragados: Thiess Pty Ltd, John Holland Pty Ltd, Dragados Australia Pty Ltd;

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