This article is part of a daily series of MegaProjects articles. If you want to know more about PPP projects with a considerable size visit our MegaProjects section. You can receive them by email on a daily basis.Loboguerrero- Mulaló concession
Ten consortia have been shortlisted for the Public-Private Partnership contract for the financing, construction, rehabilitation, improvement, operation and maintenance of the Loboguerrero - Mulaló and Cali - Dagua - Loboguerrero corridor located in the department of Valle del Cauca, Colombia. The list of shortlisted companies follows:
- Consorcio Strabag-Concay - [Strabag AG (70 %) and Concay S.A. (30 %)]
- Concesionaria 4G Eurolat del Valle - [Infraestructura Concesionada S.A.S. Infracon S.A.S. (33.34 %), Acciona Concesiones Chile Ltda (33.34 %) and Nexus Infraestructura S.A.S (33.33 %)]
- OHL Concesiones - [OHL Concesiones Colombia S.A.S.(60 %) and OHL Concesiones Chile S.A (40 %)]
- Impregilo SPA-Salini SPA - [Impregilo SPA (50 %) and Salini SPA (50 %)]
- Estructura Plural Odebrecht - [Odebrecht Latinvest Colombia S.A.S. (75 %) and Consultora Humberto Odebrecht de Colombia Ltda. (35 %)]
On April 25th, sixteen consortia had submitted expressions of Interest for the project. The estimated investment for the project is US$1.15 billion. The Request for Qualification was launched in early February 2013.
The second stage of the tender process will be opened in 30 days and the teams will have 5 months to prepare their bids.
Companies such as Cintra, IL&FS and Shikun & Binui will be not able to participate in this second stage.
Honda- Puerto Salgar - Girardot concession
Ten consortia have been shortlisted for the Public-private partnership contract for the design, construction, financing, operation and reversing of the corridor Honda - Puerto Salgar - Girardot.
- Hidalgo e Hidalgo SA Sucursal Colombia, Construcción y Administración SA, Hidalgo e Hidalgo Colombia SAS - [Hidalgo e Hidalgo S.A. Sucursal Colombia (50 %), Construcción y Administración S.A. - CASA (35 %), Hidalgo e Hidalgo Colombia S.A.S. (15 %)]
- Concesionaria 4G Eurolat Centro - [Infraestructura Concesionada S.A.S. Infracon S.A.S. (33.34 %), Acciona Concesiones Chile Ltda (33.34 %) and Nexus Infraestructura S.A.S (33.33 %)]
- Impregilo SPA-Salini SPA - [Impregilo SPA (50 %) and Salini SPA (50 %)]
- Mario Alberto Huertas Cotes, Constructora MECO SA Sucursal Colombia - [Mario Alberto Huertas C. (75%) and Constructura Meco S.A. (25 %)]
- Estructura Plural OHL Construcciones - [OHL Concesiones Colombia S.A.S.(60 %) and OHL Concesiones Chile S.A (40 %)]
- Infraestructura Vial Puerto Salgar - [Controladora de Operaciones de Infraestructura S.A. de CV (70 %), Alca Ingeniería S.A.S. (10 %) and Latinoamericana de Construcciones S.A (20 %)]
- Estructura Plural Cintra, Infraestructuras Colombia SAS e Intervial Colombia SAS - [Cintra Infraestructura Colombia S.A.S. (50 %) and Intervial Colombia S.A.S. (50 %)]
On April 25th, nineteen consortia had submitted expressions of interest for the project. The estimated investment for the project is US$784 million. The Request for Qualification was launched in early February 2013.
The second stage of the tender process will be opened in 30 days and the teams will have 5 months to prepare their bids.Companies such as ACS,
Vinci and
Strabag will be not able to compete for this project.Source: