Saudi’s NWC invited EOI for Long-term O&M Contracts for Sewage Treatment Plants (Phase 2)

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Saudi’s National Water Company (NWC) has floated a tender for Long-Term Operation and Maintenance Contracts for Wastewater Treatment Plants.

The initial phase of the LTOM Contract program incorporated 24 existing sewage treatment plants, organized into 8 packages, with a combined treatment capacity of 4.1 million cubic meters per day. NWC plans to launch the second phase of its LTOM Contracts program, which could be divided into 10 contract packages, covering 116 existing sewage treatment plants with a total treatment capacity of approximately 2.47 million cubic meters per day.

The purpose of the EOI is to broaden the range of water sector leaders participating in the bids, following a successful initial step that confirmed market interest. After this EOI process, NWC plans to invite interested and qualified companies to partake in the pre-qualification proceedings. NWC is being advised by a consortium comprising EGIS and COGITE as technical and lead advisers, Synergy as financial advisers, and Addleshaw Goddard as legal advisers. Submissions for the EOI must be received by June 06, 2024.

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