São Paulo state (Brazil), through its governor Geraldo Alckmin, has announced a tender process for a package of five business-use airports.
The lot of airports includes: Comandante Rolim Adolfo Amaro, in Jundiaí; Arthur Siqueira, in Bragança Paulista; Campinas/Amarais, in Campinas; Gastão Madeira, in Ubatuba; and the airport of Itanhaém. At the moment, the five airports are managed by Departamento Aeroviário do Estado de São Paulo (Daesp).
The concession period will be 30 years and it will include the upgrade of the five airports. The total investment during the concession period will be at least R$90.1 million (US$25.4 million), of them R$32.4 million (US$9.13 million) will be invested during the first four years.
It is expected that a total of R$15.18 million will be invested in Itanhaém, R$19.68 million in Jundiaí, R$10,14 million in Bragança Paulista, R$17,57 million in Ubatuba and R$27,50 million in Campinas (Campo dos Amarais).
Desenvolve SP, an agency of the government of São Paulo state, will provide financing amounting 50% of the total concession investment. The conditions are available and detailed on the agency website.
Interested parties must submit their proposals on July 25, 2016. Tender documents have been published today.
Tender documents can be accessed here: