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The State Government of São Paulo, through Artesp (Transport Agency of São Paulo State), has launched the Public Consultation of the international bidding process on Itaporanga-Franca Lot, "Rodovias dos Calçados” (or Road of the Shoes), of the São Paulo Road Concessions Program.
The project involves 747 kilometers of roads throughout 35 cities of the state. The modelling of the bidding features of numerous technological innovations on operations, discounts on toll rates, as well as dualization or paving of 308km of lands.
The initial estimated investment involved in the "Road of the Shoes" project will be of approximately US$1,43 billion over the 30 years of the concession. Out of that total, US$906 million is directed to the restoration of tracks and another US$287,5 million the main expansion of the road network. Most of the investment will be required to take place by the 10th year of the contract.
The concession attempts to respond to the demands of all these cities that are crossed by this project. It also foresees revisions in the contract every four years, which may facilitate new investments that will be managed in accordance with future needs or future reality. That will mean that new investments, such as dualizations or improvement of roads accesses, can be created, brought forward or canceled during the tenor of the contract.
The international bidding of the “Roads of the Shoes” places the roads to be granted among the most modern in the world. There will be WiFi available in the entire extension for better access to information and utility services. Users will receive information through SMS, WhatsApp, etc, on accidents, roads blockages, detours and other road information, including weather, security and traffic. This innovation will facilitate a new channel of communication between concessionaires and the road users, and bring more security and convenience.
In addition, the roads will be 100% covered with CCTV (closed-circuit television) to improve security. Equipment to weight trucks while in movement and bicycle lanes in urban areas are other innovations in the Roads of the Shoes Industry.
Those who are interested in the public consultation can access the documents in ARTESP (Transport Agency of São Paulo) website at It is necessary to fill in the standard form and send it to
The public consultation of this lot will be closed at 6pm on September 27.