The Ministry of Public Works (MOP) has awarded the Second Itata Route Concession (Northern Access to Concepción) to Sacyr which involves an investment of USD 564 million and will allow for the upgrade of safety and service standards on approximately 96 km of the existing route, located in the Ñuble and Biobío regions.
This extension includes approximately 75 km of Route 152; 14 km of Route 158; and a new 7 km connection, which will directly connect Route 152 to Route 146. This Second Concession includes the operation, maintenance, and development of new works that will improve the standard and safety of the routes. The project will facilitate connectivity between towns such as Chillán Viejo, Chillán, Ránquil, Florida, Tomé, Penco, and Concepción, through which Routes 152 and 158 pass, as well as the future new connection between Routes 152 and 146.
The modernization of Route 152 under the concession project will include standardizing median widths, installing containment barriers, expanding around 22 km of shoulders, and constructing a 5 km third lane on the southbound carriageway. Additionally, a new dual carriageway will be built to link Route 152 with Route 146 (Concepción Cabrero Highway), offering an alternative to Route 150, particularly for trucks heading to the ports. Additionally, the project includes approximately 7.8 km of new service roads and bike lanes; 10 new interchanges; a new pedestrian bridge over the Itata River; and a new bridge and two viaducts on the New Connection. The project includes the gradual introduction of the Free Flow system, with gantries installed at the Agua Amarilla toll and the Stop & Go system implemented at side toll plazas by the 18th month of the concession. These systems will initially operate alongside manual toll collection. Ultimately, once the construction is completed, both the Route 152 trunk road and the new connection will transition to an exclusively Free Flow system.
Construction of the new structures and projects is estimated to begin in 2029, Meanwhile, all projects are expected to be operational by 2033.
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