Sacyr completes the sale of 95% stake in Spanish road concession

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Sacyr has closed the transaction involving the sale of a 95% stake in Guadalcesa to Core Infrastructure II and Aberdeen. Both buyers have acquired a 47.5% stake each in Guadalcesa concession. The total cost of both transaction is US$ 455 million. Sacyr will continue to hold a 5% stake in the highway.

Guadalcesa is the concessionaire that manages the Guadalmedina highway (AP-46 Málaga – Las Pedrizas). The project runs through the municipalities of Antequera, Casabermeja, Almogía, and Málaga for 28 kilometers, in a north-south direction from Alto de Las Pedrizas (Villanueva de Cauche) to Puerto de la Torre (northwest Málaga).

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