Infrastructure Ontario (IO) has announced that IO and the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) have released a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to prequalify project teams to deliver the QEW Garden City Skyway – Bridge Twinning public-private partnership (PPP) project in the Regional Municipality of Niagara, Ontario, Canada.
The selected bidder will be responsible for the construction of a new 2.2 km QEW Garden City Skyway twin bridge and the rehabilitation of the existing QEW Garden City Skyway. The existing QEW Garden City Skyway is a 48-span, high-level bridge that is 2.2 km long, and 28 m wide and carries the QEW over the Welland Canal, connecting the City of St. Catharines and the Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake. Teams that qualify will be invited to respond to a Request for Proposals (RFP) expected to be published in summer 2023. T
The deadline to submit the responses is February 17, 2023. For more information about this tender, please visit our business opportunity page here.
Infrastructure Ontario (IO) and The Ottawa Hospital have issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Civic Campus Redevelopment in Ottawa, Canada. The selected development partner would enter into...
Read moreSSE plc has announced the acquisition of a 25% minority stake in its electricity transmission network business SSEN Transmission for GBP1.465 billion (US$1.763 billion) by the Onta...
Read moreThe Connect 6ix consortium has achieved financial close on the CAD9 billion (US$6.72 billion) Ontario Line Rolling Stock, Systems, Operations and Maintenance (RSSOM) contract. The Ontario Line with 1...
Read moreInfrastructure Ontario (IO) has announced that the request for proposals (RFP) stage has closed for the Highway 3 Widening Project – Essex to Leamington, Ontario, Canada. The project involves t...
Read moreInfrastructure Ontario (IO) and Metrolinx have awarded a contract to Connect 6ix valued at $9B ($2.3B for capital costs and $6.7B for short-term construction financing and transaction costs, train cos...
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