RFQ issued seeking developers for Tlicho all season road project

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Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) has begun the formal procurement process for the Tłı̨chǫ All Season Road (TASR) by releasing the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to design, build, finance, operate and maintain an all-season road to Whatì.

The RFQ is the first stage in a competitive selection process to procure the TASR through a Public-Private Partnership (P3) in accordance with the GNWT’s Public-Private Partnership Policy.  The RFQ invites interested parties to submit responses indicating their interest in, and qualifications for, the TASR project.  This includes an assessment on the technical and financial capacity to undertake the project. 

Based on the responses to the RFQ, the GNWT intends to select a shortlist of up to three proponents to be invited to participate in the next stage of the procurement process, the Request for Proposals stage, pending a decision on the environmental assessment for the project.

To ensure that interested parties have a full and complete understanding of the P3 process and the project, and are able to provide their best submissions of qualifications for the project, the GNWT will hold a Project Information Session (Industry Day) on March 29, 2017, at the Explorer Hotel in Yellowknife.

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