The call for proposals was published on July 18, 2018. The delivery and publication of the final version of the contract is scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2018, and the bidding and awarding of the good proof act will be carried out at the 30 calendar days from the delivery of the final version of the Contract.
The awardee will have access to the facilities granted by Peruvian law to new infrastructure concessions, such as legal stability agreements, early return of the VAT, among others.
The overall scope of the project entails the repowering to 1000 MVA of the Transmission Line in 500 kV Carabayllo-Chimbote-Trujillo and Variable Reactive Compensator + 400 / -150 MVAR in the Trujillo Nueva Substation 500 kV. The term of the concession will be 30 years, plus the construction period, which would be thirty (30) months counted from the closing date.