The Promotion of Private Investment (PROINVERSIÓN) with the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC) has announced that the public tender to modernize the Huancayo – Huancavelica Railway is in the final stage.
The contest has three prequalified bidders to present technical and economic proposals in the bidding process and be in charge of financing, construction, acquisition of rolling stock, operation and maintenance of the railway. Those prequalified for the railway project are:
The initiative will modernize 128.7 km of railway, providing a safe, efficient, and reliable transportation service for 1.2 million residents of Junín and Huancavelica. It will be concessioned for 30 years, with 5 years dedicated to design and construction, and 25 years for operation and maintenance. The project includes upgrading the existing railway superstructure and refurbishing seven stations and 20 stops. There will be seven daily trips: six exclusively for passengers in each direction and one mixed transport of passengers and goods in each direction. The project will be awarded in Q3 of 2024 and requires US$ 394 million as an investment amount.
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