The Intermunicipal Consortium for Regional Development - Convale in Minas Gerais, Brazil has announced opening of the public consultation period for the concession of services for the management of urban solid waste. The project includes development of services for the management of urban solid waste in eight municipalities namely Água Comprida, Campo Florido, Conceição das Alagoas, Delta, Planura, Sacramento, Uberaba, and Veríssimo in Minas Gerais. It will follow the guidelines established by SPPI, MDR, FUNASA, and MMA and includes the use of technologies that will allow the reduction of the volume of grounded organics and the generation of biogas for possible energy reuse.
The operation, structured through the Structural Support Fund and the development of Concession Projects and Public-Private Partnerships (FEP) involves investments of approximately BRL 911 million (US$ 173.44 million). The contract will be effective for 30 years.
The public consultation will close on October 07, 2020. The bidding notice is expected to be published in October 2020, with bids to be opened at B3 in 2020.