São Paulo State Transport Agency (Artesp) has opened a public consultation to receive suggestions for the concession of the System of Coastal Crossings in São Paulo, Brazil. The concession is for operation, maintenance and carrying out the necessary investments to the waterway system for transporting vehicles and passengers.
The concession is focused on improving the services in eight crossings- Santos/Guarujá, Bertioga/Guarujá, São Sebastião/Ilhabela, Iguape/Jureia, Cananéia/Ilha Comprida, Cananéia/Continente, Santos/Vicente de Carvalho and Cananéia/Ariri. The estimated investment is BRL240 million (US$47.55 million), of which BRL106 million (US$21 million) is for maintenance of the existing infrastructure, BRL123 million (US$24.37 million) for improvements and increase in the capacity of the vessels and another BRL11 million (US$2.18 million) for the preservation of the Environment. The period of concession is 30 years.
The opening of the public consultation is part of the second stage of the concession process, which has already included a virtual public hearing on May 26, 2021. Contributions can be submitted until July 7, 2021, to the email: artesp@artesp.sp.gov.br