PROINVERSIÓN to award Huancayo – Huancavelica Railway modernization project at end of August 2024

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The Private Investment Promotion Agency (PROINVERSIÓN) has announced the award of the project to modernize the Huancayo - Huancavelica Railway, (Tren Macho), which requires a total estimated cost of US$ 565 million and will benefit 1.2 million inhabitants in Junín and Huancavelica, Peru.

The project’s total cost includes US$ 445 million for the main investment (modernization) and US$ 120 million for operation and maintenance expenses during the first 10 years of operations. Three prequalified bidders are competing:

  • the HH Railway Consortium (Anonymous Company of Works and Services, COPASA Branch of Peru, and Wanka Railway SAC);
  • the Concessionaire Railway Consortium of the Center (Construction and Administration SA and Hidalgo and Hidalgo SA); and
  • Mota-Engil Peru SA.

The modernization of the Tren Macho will be executed through a 30-year PPP, with five years dedicated to design and construction, and 25 years for operation and maintenance. The project covers a 128.7-km route, including seven stations, 20 stops, 15 bridges, and 38 tunnels, all of which will be upgraded with new rolling stock, signaling, and communication systems to ensure a safe, efficient, and comfortable transportation system for users. It also includes building a new repair and maintenance workshop, a drainage system, slope protection, and renovation of the railway superstructure. The modernized railway will offer seven daily trips in each direction and will feature a social fare set by the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC) as the grantor. According to the schedule, interested companies will present their technical and economic proposals on August 22, 2024, and the process will be closed with the successful bid on August 27, 2024.

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