Peru's private investment promotion agency, Proinversión, has launched a tender process for a Transaction advisory mandate of the Lima and Junín potable water supply concession.
Interested parties must submit their proposals on or before 16 April 2014. The evaluation results will be published on 24 April 2014. The technique evaluation will have a weight rating of 80% while the economic will have the remaining 20%.
The project cost is estimated at US$400 million. The project will be developed on a design, build, finance, operation and maintenance (DBFOM) basis for a period of 30 years.
The project comprises the concession to design, finance, build, operate and maintain of the following infrastructure works:
- Extension capacity of Pomacocha and Huallacocha Bajo dams. Both are current infrastructure and shall be prepared to store an approximately 72 MMC and 18 MMC respectively.
- A system of intakes and canals to capture and dispose of surface water streams located on both banks of the river of Yauli and its transport to Pomacocha dam Diversion works of Pomacocha - River Blanco (approx. 10 km of trans Andean tunnel).
- A trans-Andean tunnel of about 10 km length to allow transfer of water from Pomacocha dam to the basin of Blancoriver.
- A treatment plant for drinking water located in Huachipa (Huachipa II) that allows drinkable 5 m3 / s of surface water collected from the existing intake of the river of Rimac.
- Southern conduction line Ramal Sur (approx. 25,6 km) to distribute drinkable water from Huachipa plant to the support reservoirs that will be located in Ate -Vitarte, La Molina, Pachacamac and Villa del Triunfo districts.
- Six (6) projected compensation reservoirs in the districts of Ate-Vitarte (Ceres), La Molina (La Planicie y el Sol de la Molina), Pachacamac (Manchay) and Villa Maria del Triunfo (Atocongo and Villa Maria) for a total 24 000 m3 including the works of interconnection with the distribution system primary drinking water SEDAPAL
See tender document (Spanish):
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