PROINVERSIÓN and MINSA advance technical details to award HEVES PPP project

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The Private Investment Promotion Agency (PROINVERSIÓN) has held a meeting with the directors of the Villa El Salvador Emergency Hospital and representatives of the Ministry of Health ( MINSA), to accelerate the updating of the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) contract for the concession of the Operation and Maintenance of the Villa el Salvador Emergency hospital center in Peru.

The scope of the PPP contract for the operation and maintenance of the "Bata Gris" services encompasses maintaining the building, facilities, and electromechanical equipment, as well as providing security and comprehensive surveillance, food services, cleaning, laundry, and hospital equipment maintenance and timely replacement. The concessionaire can replace equipment that is worn out or obsolete and perform general maintenance of the building and facilities for improved management over the next 15 years of the concession period. The contract is aimed to be granted in Q4 of 2024.

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