Prior Information Notice for the EV charging hub project in Oxford

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Oxford City Council in the UK has launched Prior Information Notice (PIN) for the development of a public Electric Vehicle (EV) charging hub at Redbridge P&R, Oxford. The EV hub will be largest in the UK with an initial 50 charging points to support the increasing uptake of EVs. The EV hub will have a total of 3 lots, 2 of them will have 10 x DC chargers and one lot will have 30 x DC chargers.

The city council is also conducting the market engagement workshop for the project on January 31, 2020 at Oxford Town Hall, St Aldates, Oxford, OX1 1BX. The workshop will discuss the plans for EV charging infrastructure, the intended approach, the levels of excellence required (uptime, customer service support, etc.), the locations available within the park and ride, timeframe for delivery, integration with existing car parking systems, enforcement of dwell times, costs of charging to the public, other facilities, opportunities for further expansion at this location and another site at the other eastern side of the cable route.

The estimated date for contract notice publication is February 07, 2020.

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