Preliminary Investment Study Ongoing for Hipólito Unanue National Hospital Modernization Project in Peru

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The Private Investment Promotion Agency (PROINVERSIÓN) has reported that the project is to modernize the comprehensive infrastructure of the Hipólito Unanue National Hospital (Bravo Chico) in Peru.

At present, PROINVERSIÓN is in the process of conducting the pre-investment study for the project, which is nearing 60% completion. This study must be concluded by the Q1 of 2024. The future concessionaire will be tasked with the design, construction, financing, maintenance, and operation of the general services for the new hospital, intended to replace the current facility that operates with significant limitations due to its age. The private operator will be responsible for maintaining infrastructure, managing equipment (medical, biomedical, furniture, etc.), and overseeing general services such as laundry, clothing, food, security, and surveillance, among others. 

The new hospital will feature facilities and technology for outpatient consultations in various medical and surgical specialties, hospitalization, emergency services, intensive care, and other highly complex services, including radiotherapy and nuclear medicine. The Hipólito Unanue National Hospital serves as a reference center and is the sole facility in the eastern area of Lima, catering to a population of over 2 million people primarily from districts like El Agustino, Ate Vitarte, Santa Anita, La Molina, Cercado de Lima, Lurigancho, Cieneguilla, Pachacamac, and San Juan de Lurigancho.

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