Pre-investment study began to close Wastewater Treatment gap in Peru

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The Private Investment Promotion Agency (PROINVERSIÓN) signed with the Iquitos Sanitation Consortium the contract for the preparation of the pre-investment study to close the wastewater treatment gap in the city of Iquitos (Loreto), Peru.

The project has an estimated investment of PEN 400 million (US$ 103 million) and aims to create, expand, and improve the wastewater treatment services for approximately 400,000 residents in the urban areas of the San Juan Bautista, Iquitos, Belén, and Punchana districts in the Maynas province (Loreto). The study, conducted by the Iquitos Sanitation Consortium, includes components such as emitters, wastewater treatment plants, wastewater pumping stations, and main collectors.

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