The municipality of Pirangi, located in São Paulo (Brazil), has started the public consultation of a sanitation concession. The public consultation will be closed on November 3.
The object of the contract is to provide drinking water supply and sanitation, including the construction, operation and maintenance of the component, operational and management of water distribution and collection, treatment and final disposal of sewage, management of organizational systems, marketing of products and services involved and the provision of complementary services.
Pirangi is located in the north of São Paulo, near Ribeirão Preto, Araraquara and São José do Rio Preto, and it has a population of 11 thousand people.
The concession period is 20 years and the estimated investment for the future concessionaire is BRL8.18 million (US$2.54 million).
In the municipal elections in 2016 the elected candidate explained that his government program was committed to "improve the collection, distribution and treatment of water, and conserve and extend the municipal water and sewage".
The sanitation service in the city is currently being provided by the company contracted on an emergency basis because, since September 2015, the city finished the contract with HidroForte Administração e Operação S/C Ltda. The reasons for cancelling the contract were, among others: failure to pay employees, lack of transfer of municipal grant, for several months, failure to provide information on the quality service; and a spill of sewage in the street.