Peru's ProInversión approves hospital PPPs in Piura and Nuevo Chimbote

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The Private Investment Promotion Agency of Peru (ProInversión) has announced that its Board of Directors approved the incorporation of two hospital projects into the private investment promotion process.

The projects involve the development of two High Complexity Hospitals in Piura, a district of the northwestern Piura Region, and Nuevo Chimbote, a district of the western Áncash Region.  Both projects will provide health services to approximately 1,700,000 people from the Regions of Piura, Tumbes and Áncash.

The hospital project in Piura will require an approximate investment of PEN617 million (US$186.4 million). It involves the design and construction of a hospital with high technology equipment. Health services will continue to be provided by EsSalud, while the maintenance of infrastructure and equipment will be the responsibility of a private operator, as well as the operation of some services, such as laundry, food, cleaning, security, waste management and sterilization.

The project in Nuevo Chimbote is similar in scope, though also involves the design, construction and maintenance of an advanced polyclinic. It has an estimated investment of PEN474 million (US$143.2 million).

ProInversión's Directors have agreed that both projects will be promoted through the agency's new Co-financed Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) scheme.

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