Peru's private investment promotion agency ProInversión has re-launched the tender process for the Amazon waterway concession.
The project comprises the implementation of works and actions to improve the navigability and transit of passenger and cargo traffic through the Amazonas, Marañón, Huallaga and Ucayali rivers.
The project involves dredging on critical areas and on the access to the Port of Iquitos, implementation of a GPS information system on the navigation channel, installation of level measuring stations with transmission of information, implementation of a system of monitoring of navigability conditions and a cleaning system.
The preferred bidder will be responsible for the design, build, finance, operation and maintenance (DBFOM) of the waterway for a period of 20 years.
The total project investment is estimated at US$65 million.
The river system is the principal mean of transportation in the Amazon region of Peru. Through its more than 6,000 miles of waterways, it allows the transit of more than 90% of the passenger and cargo traffic, thus becoming one of the principal means of development for trade in the region.
Tender documents for the project can be downloaded here.