The New Zealand Government through the Department of Corrections is investing in additional prison capacity, in response to an increased level of demand identified in the Justice Sector long term forecast.
The Department will be entering into a procurement process to select a consortium to partner with on the Waikeria Prison Development, which will involve the Design, Build, Finance and Maintenance of a new high security facility at Waikeria Prison, delivering 1,500 prisoner places by 2021 in the first stage, with an expansion mechanism for delivering a further 500 places as a future second stage.
The Department seeks Expressions of Interest from consortia for the design, construction, finance and maintenance in respect of the Waikeria Prison Development which is part of the Prison Capacity Programme.
The Department will evaluate the Expressions of Interest with the intent of releasing a Request for Proposal to selected shortlisted parties in early April 2017.
This will be the third PPP contract in place within the Department of Corrections. Similar to the Auckland Prison PPP model, the new facility at Waikeria Prison will be operated by Corrections but built and maintained by a PPP.
For further information, visit the following website.