ProInversion in Peru has withdrawn contract award for nine projects from a total of sixteen projects included in their portfolio for 2019. Those nine projects will not be awarded in 2019. By the end of 2019, a total of six projects is expected to be awarded by the authority.
Out of nine projects, Chimbote port terminal has definitely been left out of the agency's portfolio because of uninterested proponents. Four projects have been postponed to 2020 and another four have been suspended without a defined date. According to portfolio the only project awarded so far is wastewater treatment plant (PTAR) of Lake Titicaca.
The PTAR of lake Titicaca project and other six initiatives that remain in the portfolio.
Between this and the other six initiatives that remain in the portfolio, an investment of US$ 841 million is added; less than US$ 2,466 million expected at the beginning of the year.
The projects left in the portfolio are Huancayo - Huancavelica Railroad, natural gas massification projects, the 220 kV Tingo María - Aguaytía link, the 550 kV La Niña - Piura link, and the 220 kV Pariñas - Nueva Tumbes link project.
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