New report: The top 100 Infrastructure projects by KPMG and IJ
July 26, 2010
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There is a new report you may want to ckeck out. Infrastructure Journal and KPMG have elaborated a list of the 100 most important infrastructure projects.The aim of this publication is to showcase one hundred examples of the great work that is underway globally in infrastructure. We hope that the Infrastructure100 will make industry professionals proud of the work they do and, for those less familiar with the world of infrastructure, it may inform, or even inspire.The conclusions are intended to provoke discussion. The judges have considered projects of many different sizes, across different markets, at different stages of realisation.If you are a subscriber, please, remember that I am using scribd to embed the files on my blog. Come to my blog and download them easily from there.You can download the document here:Infrastructure 100
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