The concessionaire, Concesionaria Vial del Pacífico (Covipacífico), has received a loan of US$143.12 million from the international banks to continue advancing in the execution of the Pacific Connection 1 Highway Project in Colombia.
The loan is provided by Santander SA (Spain) and Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (Japan). The operation was channeled through the Proyectos y Desarrollos Viales del Pacífico SAS - Prodepacífico, majority shareholder of the concessionaire. The total investment in the project is COP2.6 billion (CAPEX Dec 2020).
Pacifico Connection 1 project is under construction with 70% of completed works. Located in the Southwest of Antioquia between the municipalities of Caldas, Amagá, Titiribí and Venecia, it includes the construction of 32.2 km of new road and 18 km of maintenance to the existing road, for a total of 50.2 km.
The National Government, at the head of the National Infrastructure Agency and the Government of Meta reached an agreement to start the construction phase of the Malla Vial del Meta project.
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