MoU signed for the development of 300 senior flats in Rome

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INPS (Italy’s National Institute for Social Security) has teamed up with CDP Real Asset (Italy’s development bank), Investire Sgr, a private asset manager to create a senior housing development in Rome with 300 apartments in nine separate buildings aimed at self-sufficient residents of 65 years of age or more. 

The initial EUR 130 million (US$ 140 million) investment will establish Spazio Blu, a pilot project. The current cluster of residential buildings, owned by INPS and managed by Investire Sgr, will be transformed to accommodate older adults, adding amenities like social and exercise areas, a cinema, a library, and an infirmary in each apartment block. Located in Rome's Camilluccia area, the complex is less than a kilometer from Policlinico Gemelli, with the hospital’s doctors and specialized nurses providing home care to residents. Advanced telemedicine and remote consultations will also be available to prevent unnecessary hospital visits and reduce pressure on the healthcare system. Notably, the nine buildings will be surrounded by other apartment blocks housing families and young professionals, ensuring an intergenerational neighborhood where seniors can interact and socialize with people of different ages, preventing loneliness and isolation.

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