The Kerala Government (India) has launched a global
tender to select a private partner for the Rs 40.000 million (US$640 million) Vizhinjam International Deepwater Seaport (VISL), near Thiruvananthapuram.Kerala's Department of Ports has decided to undertake the development and operation/ maintenance of the Vizhinjam International Deep water Multipurpose Seaport Project through a Public-Private Partnership on
Design, Build, Finance, Operate and Transfer (DBFOT) basis.The advantages of Vizhinjam are:
- Availability of 20m contour within one nautical mile from the coast.
- Minimal littoral drift along the coast, hardly any maintenance dredging required.
- Links to national/regional road, rail network
- Flexibility in design and expansion being a greenfield project
- Proximity to International shipping route
The national Planning Commission recently approved 20% viability gap-funding for the project and gave green light to the start of the tender process.
Request For Qualification for development of Vizhinjam International SeaPort: