The Municipality of Itatiba (Brazil), through the Department of Public Works and Services, has launched a tender process for the "Itatiba: Cidade + Inteligente" urban services PPP project.
The project involves the implementation and operation of public lighting, a communication system for public buildings, a fleet management system for public vehicles, the operation of the city's camera system and the development and operation of a Center for Control and Operations of the city's traffic light system.
The contract will be for a period of 20 years, its value is estimated at R$120 million (US$46 million). The total investment for the deployment of the lighting system based on LED technology is estimated at R$5 million (US$1.9 million).
The public consultation and public hearing of the project were held in September and October respectively.
Interested parties must submit their proposals on 22 December 2104. The maximum monthly consideration to be pay is R$500,000.
Itatiba is a county in the state of Sao Paulo and distant approximately 80 km from the state capital. The population in 2010 was 101,471 inhabitants and the city has an area of 322.52 km².