Indonesia promotes Palapa Ring Integration PPP project

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The Communication and Informatics Ministry has announced the information on the project development plan for the public-private partnership (PPP) of the Fiber Optic Backbone Network of Palapa Ring Integration in Indonesia. 

The project involves the construction of a high-capacity fiber optic backbone network in various districts and cities of Indonesia and it will connect national backbone networks, should improve the value of the regional gross domestic product (GDP) values, expand digital opportunities in areas that are underserved by the existing backbone network to reduce the digital divide and grow Indonesia's digital economy and transformation. It is planned to build 46 hop radio links, as well as 11,610 km of fiber optic networks, including 8,601 km of terrestrial cables and 3,009 km of submarine cables.

The project is a continuation of the existing Palapa Ring and will connect the three backbone networks of the existing Western, Central and Eastern Palapa Ring. Palapa Ring Integration will cover 78 districts and cities in 14 provinces, with a population of around 16.4 million people including Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua, Nusa Tenggara and Bali. 

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