In June 2009, a series of corporate transactions were completed that have resulted in the Itínere we know today. On the one hand, Pear Acquisition Corporation, a 100% company of Citi Infrastructure Partners, launched a takeover bid over 100% of Itínere which Sacyr Vallehermoso agreed to take up. Furthermore Citi Infrastucture Partners sold to Abertis, Atlantia and Sacyr Vallehermoso various Itínere stakes in Spain, Portugal, Brazil, Chile, Ireland and Costa Rica

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In June 2009, a series of corporate transactions were completed that have resulted in the Itínere we know today. On the one hand, Pear Acquisition Corporation, a 100% company of Citi Infrastructure Partners, launched a takeover bid over 100% of Itínere which Sacyr Vallehermoso agreed to take up. Furthermore Citi Infrastucture Partners sold to Abertis, Atlantia and Sacyr Vallehermoso various Itínere stakes in Spain, Portugal, Brazil, Chile, Ireland and Costa Rica
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