The International Finance Corporation (IFC) has issued a request for expression of interest (RFEOI) to hire legal and technical consultants for the upgrade of public hospital laboratories through a PPP project in Albania.
The project involves capital financing, refurbishing, equipping, networking and operating public laboratories within public hospitals and ambulatory care centers for patients referred by the public hospitals and other health providers in the catchment area.
The objective of this project is to improve public laboratory services in Albania by attracting a PPP partner to structure and operate a network of public labs, to invest in lab infrastructure and IT, introduce a quality management system, proposing prices in line with regional comparators.
The laboratory services should be structured as a tiered lab network. The Ministry of Health will prioritise a pilot network of public lab facilities around a reference laboratory located in a major tertiary or regional hospital, working in network with other regional, district hospitals and ambulatory care centers with adapted scope of services.
The tentative scope of the work of the legal consultant will include: