The Government of Oyo State (Nigeria) has requested the support of the World Bank to bring knowledge and advice on how the private sector can more actively be involved in the solid waste management sector. As a consequence, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) has launched a tender process to hire a consultant for technical assistance for private sector participation in Solid Waste Management in Ibadan.
The services will be divided in two parts. During the first phase, which will have a duration of 4 months, the consultant will assess the existing practices, market and institutional structure, performances and main challenges of PPP in Ibadan and propose a plan to optimize the existing stock and resources to better organize ongoing operations and to increase incentives for the private sector to engage more in solid waste sector.
The second phase, which will have a duration of 12 months, consultant will provide an assessment of the legal, institutional, and financial challenges for private sector involvement in urban service delivery in Ibadan, with a special focus on solid waste management to identify the needed changes for greater private sector participation in the sector.
Interested parties must submit their expressions of interest (EOI) on or before 18 March, 2014.
See tender document: